Bidding Directions

To bid, click on the "Bid Now" link on the left.
Click again to send an email containing your first and last name, phone number, item number and bid amount.

email us at

Bids will be posted daily from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the order they are recieved.  NO NOTIFICATION WIIL BE SENT IF YOU ARE OUTBID!!! Please check this site frequently to check on your bidding status. We are volunteers and do not have the manpower to inform bidders when they have been outbid.

The auction ends on Sunday, April 15th at 8:00pm. So be sure to check back and update your bids often to get your items!

Items will be available for pickup between 4:15 and 5:30 pm on Tuesday 4/17, Wednesday, 4/18, and Thursday 4/19.